2023 Advice on the direction of policy for the Government’s second emissions reduction plan

About this advice

This report provides the Commission’s advice to inform the strategic direction of the Government’s second emissions reduction plan, covering Aotearoa New Zealand’s 2026–2030 emissions budget period.

  • Release date: 12 December 2023
  • Print: ISSN 3021-1565
  • Online: ISSN 3021-1573

Supporting documents

DETA Consulting: Non-Cost Decarbonisation Barriers for Process Heat

Decarbonisation of process heat for sites seeking to reduce carbon emissions is made more difficult by a range of barriers. This document by DETA Consulting provides information on non-cost barriers to decarbonising process heat.

DETA Consulting: Non-Cost Decarbonisation Barriers for Process Heat [PDF - 5.1 MB]

Climate Change Commission: Delayed build electricity market modelling results summary + Cover note

This document provides information on modelling undertaken by Energy Link LTD for the Commission exploring the timing of renewable generation build on electricity generation emissions and wholesale market prices.

Delayed build electricity market modelling results summary [.XLSX - 187 KB]

Cover note [.DOCX - 90 KB]

Climate Change Commission: Updated demonstration path and current policy reference scenarios (2022) + Technical note

This document provides information on the 2022 update to the Commission’s demonstration path and current policy reference scenario in the Energy and Emissions in New Zealand (ENZ) model.

Updated demonstration path and current policy reference scenarios (2022) [.XLSX - 1.04 MB]

Technical note on 2022 updates to the Commission's demonstration path (November 2023) [.DOCX - 530 KB]

Climate Change Commission: ERP2 Final advice figures and data

This spreadsheet contains the data used to produce figures in our final advice.

Data for figures in the Commission's 2023 final advice to Government (November 2023) [.XLSX - 922 KB]

Draft advice and consultation

We released the draft version of this advice for consultation during 26 April – 20 June 2023. A summary of what we heard during consultation is available in Chapter 2: What we heard in our final advice.

Read the draft advice as a web page: 2023 Draft advice to inform the strategic direction of the Government's second emissions reduction plan

Download a copy of the draft advice: 2023 Draft advice to inform the strategic direction of the Government's second emissions reduction plan [PDF - 3.5 MB]

Submissions and evidence

We have published submissions we received during consultation (where submitters gave their consent) on our online consultation platform: Have Your Say | Climate Change Commission

In testing and finalising our advice, we also used evidence and insights from iwi/Māori-led climate change case studies developed as part of the Maui.Tech project: Maui.Tech: Iwi/Māori case studies.

Consultation webinars

As part of consultation, we hosted a number of online and offline events sharing the thinking that went into this draft advice. These included Zoom webinars exploring different chapters of our draft advice.

Recordings of these webinars are available on our website: Open Zoom sessions

More information

Read about the Commission's role in providing this kind of advice: Advice for preparation of emissions reduction plans

Read the media release about our final advice: Government policies must add up to achieve climate goals (12 December 2023)

Read the media release about our draft advice: Aotearoa New Zealand must build momentum on climate action (26 April 2023)