Learning resources on the NZ ETS
Resources for learning more about the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (NZ ETS)
The New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (NZ ETS) plays an important role as one of the Government's tools for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
In the links below you can find resources from the Climate Change Commission and other government agencies about the NZ ETS, how it works, and our role in it.
Our advice on NZ ETS unit limit and price control settings is only a small part of the work that happens on the NZ ETS by the Commission and by other government agencies.
Other government agencies are responsible for administering the NZ ETS and reviewing, developing and implementing NZ ETS policy, as follows:
- The Ministry for the Environment is the lead government agency for NZ ETS policy.
- The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) administers the elements of the NZ ETS related to the forestry sector and works with MfE on NZ ETS policy.
- The Environmental Protection Authority manages the administration of the NZ ETS including compliance, reporting and market information and operates the New Zealand Emissions Trading Register.
For a quick introduction to the NZ ETS, see our guide: What is the NZ Emissions Trading Scheme (NZ ETS)?
For more information about He Pou a Rangi Climate Change Commission's role: Our role in the NZ ETS
Below is a playlist of our webinars about our annual advice on the NZ ETS. More videos are available on our YouTube channel: Climate Change Commission | YouTube