Consultation on the Emissions Reduction Plan
We are pleased to see consultation begin on the Government’s Emissions Reduction Plan.
The consultation follows Ināia Tonu Nei the Climate Change Commission’s advice to Government on the steps it can take to reach its emissions reduction targets.
Commission Chair Dr Rod Carr says it is important that people are able to submit and share their views.
“We included our views on the Emissions Reduction Plan through our advice - now is the chance for others to comment on the Government’s response to our advice and proposed direction of its plan.
“The final Emissions Reduction Plan must lay the groundwork so Aotearoa can meet its first emissions budget and put us on a pathway to achieve our statutory targets and fulfil our international obligations.
“The Emissions Reduction Plan is an important part of driving climate action in Aotearoa, however we have been clear that ināia tonu nei - the time is now.
When the final Emissions Reduction Plan is released next year we expect it to show a clear commitment to and necessary funding for climate action from across government.
“While we wait for the ERP to be finalised, the Commission encourages businesses, households and individuals to continue to be ambitious in their climate action. Aotearoa is already seeing this with markets and prices beginning to move, changing investor and consumer preferences and planned action by foreign governments and regulators.”