Get involved with our online events 

Our Events

If you want to see what is coming up in 2021 or find recordings of past events - you can find that information on our website here.

With our consultation period approaching, we are running a series of online events that are accessible to everyone. These events mark the beginning of us sharing our thinking with Aotearoa before our draft advice to government is publicly released. 


Find out more about our mahi by registering for our upcoming events:  

Rangatahi for climate action, 12-1pm Monday 7 December, 2020

If you know a young person who wants to get their message about our climate to the Government, this is their chance. Come along and hear some of our younger team members talk about the future they want for Aotearoa, and how they are working to make it happen.  

The science and getting to 1.5˚C, 1-2pm Wednesday 9 December, 2020

Come and listen to our expert panel talk through our approach to reducing greenhouse gases and meeting the international target of limiting global warming to 1.5˚C. 

The big decisions, 12-1pm Friday 11 December, 2020

How quickly should Aotearoa act and what’s our role in the international effort to tackle climate change? Listen to Commission Chair Rod Carr talk through some of the big decisions we will have to make as a nation. 

Get to know our sectors, 12 - 1pm Monday 18 January, 2021

Listen to our Chief Executive Jo Hendy and our sector team leads talk about their mahi and what we are considering when we look at how we can reduce emissions.

What climate action means for Aotearoa, 12 - 1pm Thursday 21 January, 2021

Do you want to know what Aotearoa’s response to climate change means for New Zealanders? Hear our expert analysts talk through the potential benefits and impacts of climate action on individuals and groups across Aotearoa - and what could happen if we fail to act.

Reducing emissions and perspectives from iwi/Māori, 12 - 1:30pm Tuesday 26 January, 2021

Come and hear about our mahi focused on potential impacts and opportunities of emissions reductions options for iwi/Māori. We’ll talk about our approach, how we applied the He Ara Waiora framework to understand wellbeing from a Te Ao Māori perspective, and key themes we heard throughout engagement with iwi/Māori.