Progress report: National Adaptation Plan (August 2024)

Assessing progress on the implementation and effectiveness of the Government’s first national adaptation plan

This report provides our independent assessment of progress on the Government’s national adaptation plan, and is the first in what will be a repeating series of two-yearly reports assessing adaptation progress.

This report is required under section 5ZU of the Climate Change Response Act 2002.

Download full report:
Progress report: National Adaptation Plan (August 2024)

Read a summary as a web page:
At a glance: Assessing adaptation progress

Title: Progress report: National Adaptation Plan – Assessing progress on the implementation and effectiveness of the Government’s first national adaptation plan (August 2024)

Release date: August 2024

ISSN (Print): 3021-2898

ISSN (Online): 3021-2901

Supporting documents

Expert review of methodology and approach

This document contains a third-party expert review of the Commission's methodology and approach for the first national adaptation plan progress assessment

Download: Expert review of NAPPA methodology [PDF – 265 KB]

Urban Intelligence report

This document is a report prepared for the Commission by Urban Intelligence. The report contains results from an analysis of infrastructure exposure and population isolation risks due to coastal flooding and landslides in Aotearoa New Zealand. It focuses on the extent of buildings and infrastructure exposed to climate-related hazards, and the share of people at risk of isolation – two of the key national metrics discussed in our first national adaptation plan progress assessment.

Download:  National Infrastructure Exposure and Property Isolation [PDF – 26.1 MB]

This accompanying spreadsheet contains results from an analysis of infrastructure exposure and population isolation risks due to coastal flooding and landslides in Aotearoa New Zealand. The data is presented at the Territorial Authority level.

Download: Exposure and isolation data by Territorial Authority [.XLSX – 5.01 KB]

Environmental Health Intelligence New Zealand report

This document is a report prepared for the Commission by Environmental Health Intelligence New Zealand (EHINZ). The report focuses on dimensions of social vulnerability to climate-related hazards – one of the key national metrics discussed in our first national adaptation plan progress assessment.

Download: Social vulnerability to the impacts of climate-related hazards [PDF – 9.54 MB]

This annex to the EHINZ report presents a heatmap of social vulnerability indicator data at the Territorial Authority level.

Download: Heatmap of 2018 social vulnerability indicator data [PDF – 397 KB]

B&A Urban and Environmental report

This document is a report prepared for the Commission by B&A Urban and Environmental. The report focuses on adaptation governance, funding and delivery arrangements, and key barriers and opportunities for improved climate adaptation, with a particular focus on local government.

Download: Local Government and Institutional Arrangements: Climate change adaptation governance, funding and delivery [PDF – 1.18 MB]

National Adaptation Plan action tables

This spreadsheet contains tables with a full list of actions from the first national adaptation plan, mapped against each risk from the first national climate change risk assessment. This spreadsheet supports the analysis contained in chapter 6 of our first national adaptation plan progress assessment.

Download: Table of NAP actions mapped to NCCRA risk [XLSX – 102 KB]