Emissions reduction monitoring reports

About these reports

The Commission plays an important role in monitoring and reporting on Aotearoa New Zealand's progress towards its emissions reduction goals. This includes monitoring progress towards meeting emissions budgets, emissions reduction plans and the 2050 target. The insights and lessons learned from monitoring can in turn help inform the Commission’s future advice on opportunities to reduce emissions, limitations in Aotearoa New Zealand's approach and gaps in progress.

Under the Climate Change Response Act 2002, we provide two types of emissions reduction monitoring reports: an annual progress report, and a report at the end of each emissions budget period.

Annual progress report

First due in mid-2024

Each year from 2024, the Commission will provide an annual progress report that includes the below (for the most recent year of the emissions budget period for which data is available):

  • measured emissions and removals for that year;
  • the latest projections of current and future emissions and removals; and
  • an assessment of the adequacy of the Government’s Emissions Reduction Plan and progress in its implementation, including any new opportunities to reduce emissions.

The Commission’s first annual progress report is due in mid-2024, timed to follow the release of the New Zealand Greenhouse Gas Inventory report.

Report at the end of each emissions budget period

First due in 2027

The Commission will provide a report at the end of each emissions budget period (approximately every five years), evaluating progress made in an emissions budget period. These reports will include:

  • an evaluation of how well the emissions reduction plan has contributed to progress;
  • recommendations on any banking and borrowing across emissions budgets that would be appropriate; and
  • an assessment of the amount of offshore mitigation required to meet the emissions budget for that period.

These less frequent reports must be prepared no later than two years after the end of the relevant emissions budget period. New Zealand’s first emissions budget covers the period 2022–2025, which means the first of these reports is expected to come out in 2027.