Official Information Act requests and responses

Our published responses to OIA requests and supporting information.

We proactively publish our response to requests made under the Official Information Act (OIA), to ensure everyone has access to our information.

Responses and supporting documentation are available below in reverse chronological order (more recent releases are nearer the top of the page).

Read more about how to make an OIA request, and how we'll respond.

Jump to responses by year:

OIA requests and responses: 2024

25 June 2024: Commissioner conflicts of interest – policy and external oversight
Download response 2024-026 [PDF – 234 KB]

27 June 2024: Minutes of Pou Herenga hui from November 2023
Download response 2024-025 [PDF – 305 KB]
Download supporting documents [.ZIP – 914 KB]

24 June 2024: Data for up to 2050 for Figure 13 in Technical Note
Download response 2024-024 [PDF – 294 KB]

11 June 2024: Evidence to support Commission's advice
Download response 2024-022 [PDF – 294 KB]

4 June 2024: Commissioner conflicts of interest – policy update and external audit
Download response 2024-021 [PDF –371 KB]
Download supporting document [PDF – 198 KB]

23 May 2024: Organisational spend on contractor and consultants from 2018, per business group
Download response 2024-019 [PDF – 284 KB]
Download supporting document [PDF – 109 KB]

24 May 2024: CLINTEL – which signatories have provided advice to the Commission, and questions regarding Commission staffing
Download response 2024-018 [PDF – 477 KB]

10 May 2024: Meetings with other Parliamentary parties directed by Minister of Climate Change
Download response 2024-017 [PDF – 229 KB]

10 May 2024: Proposal documents to give effect to the Government directive to reduce expenditure
Download response 2024-016 [PDF – 253 KB]

9 May 2024: Commissioner conflicts of interest, policies and discussions
Download response 2024-015 [PDF – 274 KB]

9 May 2024: Information on staffing levels and role disestablishments
Download response 2024-014 [PDF – 429 KB]

6 May 2024: Summary of key points from the BusinessDesk series written by Adrian Macy and David Frame
Download response 2024-013 [PDF – 231 KB]
Download supporting document [PDF – 323 KB]

2 May 2024: Expenditure and procurement processes for PR and Communications support
Download response 2024-012 [PDF – 49.2 KB]

29 April 2024: Minister's meetings with Commission since 2023
Download response 2024-011 [PDF – 488 KB]
Download supporting documents [.ZIP – 2.86 MB] 

28 March 2024: Secondary briefings given to the Minister of Climate Change.
Download response 2024-007 [PDF – 202 KB]

15 March 2024: Correspondence, reports and advice relating to fiscal responsibility measures.
Download response 2024-002 [PDF – 464 KB]
Download document pack 2024-002 [PDF – 4.83 MB]

15 March 2024: Request about unconscious bias in Commission hiring practices.
Download response 2024-005 [PDF – 471 KB]

8 March 2024: Information about fiscal responsibility measures being taken.
Download response 2024-004 [PDF – 384 KB]
Download document pack 2024-004 [PDF – 2.49 MB]

8 February 2024: Terms of reference for Ināia tonu nei.
Download response 2024-003 [PDF – 300 KB]

2 February 2024: Discussions with the Minister’s Office around the release advice on the second emissions reduction plan.
Download response 2023-024 [PDF – 235 KB]
Download document pack 2023-024 [PDF – 273 KB]

25 January 2024: Request as to whether Commissioners had viewed the work of ‘climate healers’.
Download response 2024-001 [PDF – 189 KB]


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OIA questions and responses: 2023

21 December 2023: Requests for details, costs, and documentation relating to meetings with the new Minister of Climate Change.
Download response 2023-023 [PDF - 515 KB]
Download support document pack 2023-023 [PDF – 5 MB]

20 October 2023: Request for an advance copy of the Briefing to the Incoming Minister.
Download response 2023-022 [PDF – 307 KB]

29 September 2023: Response to request about Commission spending on ‘environment and sustainability’ consultants
Download response 2023-018 [PDF - 608 KB]

29 September 2023: Response to request about Commission spending, in follow up to OIA 2023-014. Please note the response was released in two parts.
Download response part 1 2023-017 [PDF - 679 KB]
Download response part 2 2023-017 [PDF - 1.42 MB]
Download invoice 1 2023-017 [PDF - 35 KB]
Download invoice 2 2023-017 [PDF - 611 KB]
Download invoice 4 2023-017 [PNG - 1.38 MB]
Download invoice 5 2023-017 [PDF - 832 KB]
Download expenses and allowances COP27 2023-017 [XLS - 23 KB]

6 September 2023: Response to request about decarbonization measures
Download response 2023-020 [PDF - 365 KB]

29 August 2023: Response to request about metrics for measuring methane emissions
Download response 2023-016 [PDF - 342 KB]
Download appendix A Q1 2023-016 [PDF - 1.07 MB]
Download appendix A Q2 2023-016 [PDF - 2.62 MB]
Download document 1 Beef + Lamb newsletter 2023-016 [PDF - 240 KB]
Download document X 2023-016 [PDF 284 KB]

24 August 2023: Transfer of request about legal requirements of NZ businesses in relation to climate change
Download transfer 2023-019 [PDF - 310 KB]

2 August 2023: Response to request about Commission expenditures
Download response 2023-014 [PDF - 409 KB]
Download document 1 transactions 2023-014 [PDF - 1.13 KB]
Download document 2 events 2023-014 [PDF - 196 KB]

25 July 2023: Response to request about Hurricane Gabrielle response
Download response 2023-015 [PDF - 842 KB]

17 July 2023: Response to request about evidence for climate change
Download response 2023-013 [PDF - 283 KB]

5 July 2023: Response to request about emissions from solid waste
Download response 2023-012 [PDF - 272 KB]

21 June 2023: Response to request about Commissioner Interests policies
Download response 2023-011 [PDF - 771 KB]

22 May 2023: Response to request about contracts between CCC and Toitū
Download response 2023-010 [PDF - 884 KB]

26 April 2023Response to request about evidence supporting CCC findings
Download response 2023-007 [PDF - 878 KB]

21 April 2023: Response to request about Toitū certification
Download response 2023-008 [PDF - 949 KB]

17 April 2023: Response to request about legal fees associated with steps to seek legal costs from LCANZI
Download response 2023-009 [PDF - 887 KB]

31 March 2023: Response to request about correspondence surrounding reducing stocking rates on dairy farms, changing land use, and plant-based meat substitutes
Download response 2023-005 [PDF - 0.98 MB]
Download document pack 2023-005 [PDF - 6.34 MB]

27 March 2023: Response to request about emissions of EVs and petrol/diesel cars
Download response 2023-006 [PDF - 935 KB]

22 March 2023: Response to request about engagement during the ETS advice formation
Download response 2023-002 [PDF - 919 KB]
Download document pack 2023-002 [PDF - 4.8 MB]

22 March 2023: Response to request about correspondence with gas companies or suppliers on the proposed phase-out of fossil gas in homes and restaurants
Download response 2023-001 [PDF - 927 KB]
Download document pack 2023-001 [PDF - 1.64 MB]

27 February 2023: Response to request about feedback loops, and the role of money in response to climate change
Download response 2023-004 [PDF - 942 KB]

7 February 2023: Response to request about policies implemented for climate change that require the taxpayer to pay a fee
Download response 2023-026 [PDF - 821 KB]

1 February 2023: Response to request about economic modelling
Download response 2023-024 [PDF - 1.38 MB]

18 January 2023: Response to request about travel expenses
Download response 2023-025 [PDF - 948 KB]

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OIA requests and responses: 2022

22 December 2022: Response to request about social media expenses
Download response 2023-023 [PDF - 845 KB]

22 December 2022: Response to request about staff Christmas parties
Download response 2023-022 [PDF - 952 KB]

15 November 2022: Response to request about media queries
Download response 2023-020 [PDF - 943 KB]

15 November 2022: Response to request about geoengineering
Download response 2023-019 [PDF - 839 KB]

7 November 2022: Response to request with a range of questions including greenhouse gas inventory and IPCC reporting
Download responses 2022-018 and 2022-021 [PDF - 503 KB]

27 October 2022: Response to request about military emissions
Download response 2022-017 [PDF - 263 KB]

18 October 2022: Response to request about conflict of interests regarding coal mining
Download response 2022-016 [PDF - 379 KB]

10 October 2022: Response to request about the difference in effects between incentives and penalties as methods for reducing greenhouse gases
Download response 2022-015 [PDF - 463 KB]

9 September 2022: Response to request about farm footprints and greenhouse gases
Download response 2022-013 [PDF - 294 KB]

26 August 2022: Response to request about the Commission's opinion on tourism and emissions
Download response 2022-014 [PDF - 382 KB]

24 August 2022: Response to request about the Split Gas approach
Download response 2022-012 [PDF - 163 KB]

12 August 2022: Response to request about farm footprints and greenhouse gases
Download response 2022-011 [PDF - 294 KB]

22 July 2022: Response to request about Emissions Trading Scheme and He Waka Eke Noa
Download response 2022-005 [PDF - 259 KB]
Document pack 1 [PDF - 203 KB]
Document pack 2 [PDF - 4 MB]
Document pack 3 [PDF - 2MB]

19 July 2022: Response to request about information relating to salary for legal staff
Download response 2022-010 (297KB) [PDF - 297 KB]

20 June 2022: Response to request about climate change alarmism
Download response 2022-009 [PDF - 283 KB]

20 May 2022: Response to request about climate change and mass famine
Download response 2022-008 [PDF - 279 KB]

13 May 2022: Response to request about Emissions Trading Scheme and He Waka Eke Noa
Download response 2022-005 [PDF - 262 KB]

30 March 2022: Response to request about meeting minutes
Download response 2022-004 [PDF - 373 KB]

7 March 2022: Response to request about information on Ināia tonu nei recommendations
Download response 2022-001 [PDF - 304 KB]

11 February 2022: Response to request about carbon border adjustments
Download response 2022-003 [PDF - 211 KB]

11 February 2022: Response to request for information about Emissions Trading Scheme
Download response 2022-002 [PDF - 207 KB]

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OIA requests and responses: 2021

21 December 2021: Response to request for information on matters the Commission must consider 
Download response [PDF - 262 KB]

14 December 2021: Response to request about synthetic nitrogen fertiliser on dairy farms
Download response [PDF - 304 KB]

5 November 2021: Response to request about submissions on the Commission's Draft Advice
Download response [PDF - 375 KB]

2 November 2021: Response to request related to geoengineering 
Download response [PDF - 5.1 MB]

28 October 2021: Response to request on meeting minutes with Minister for Climate Change
Download response [PDF - 232 KB]

28 October 2021: Response to request on coal industry, Pasifika staff, and Commissioners credentials
Download response [PDF - 316 KB]

28 October 2021: Response to request on Commissioners and coal investments/interests
Download response [PDF - 213 KB]

19 October 2021: Response to request for submissions excluded from proactive release
Download response [PDF - 430 KB]

18 October 2021: Response to request for various templates
Download response [PDF - 405 KB]

14 October 2021:  Response to request for information on the panel that selects the Commission's board members
Download response [PDF - 209 KB]

14 October 2021: Response to request for the name of an OIA requestor 
Download response [PDF - 168 KB]

24 September 2021: Response to request for OIA statistics 
Download response [PDF - 232 KB]

24 September 2021: Response to Trevor Daya-Winterbottom, Associate Professor and Assistant Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Waikato regarding his submission on the Commission’s Draft Advice to Government
Download response [PDF - 175 KB]
Download Trevor Daya-Winterbottom's submission [PDF - 814 KB]

3 September 2021: Response to request for information on advice the Commission has provided to the Government
Download response [PDF - 293 KB]

2 September 2021: Response to request for information related to stakeholder submissions 
Download response - tranche one [PDF - 384 KB]
Documents 1a [PDF - 5.5 MB]
Documents 1b [PDF - 2.5 MB]
Download response - tranche two [PDF - 360 KB]
Documents [PDF - 8.4 MB]

1 September 2021: Response to request for information on the preparation of and analysis involved in the Commission’s Draft Advice to Government
Download response - tranche one [PDF - 283 KB]
Documents [PDF - 6.7 MB]
Download response - tranche two [PDF - 645 KB]
Documents 1a [PDF - 7.2 MB]
Documents 1b [PDF - 5.5 MB]
Documents 2 [PDF - 3.9 MB]
Documents 3 [PDF - 4.3 MB]
Documents 4 [PDF - 2.6 MB]
Documents 5a [PDF - 6.4 MB]
Documents 5b [PDF - 8 MB]

1 September 2021: Response to request for documents sent to Motu on Maori-related topics
Download response [PDF - 1.4 MB]

27 August 2021: Response to request for communications with Whetu relating to Te Ao Māori
Download response [PDF - 6 MB]

25 August 2021: Response to request for communications with consultant relating to Te Ao Māori
Download response [PDF - 10 MB]

12 August 2021: Response to request for information on interests of Climate Change Commissioners 
Download response [PDF - 333 KB]
Documents - part 1 [PDF - 8.2 MB]
Documents - part 2 [PDF - 5.4 MB]
Documents - part 3 [PDF - 9 MB]
Documents - part 4 [PDF - 8.2 MB]
Documents - part 5 PDF - 5.5 MB]

9 August 2021: Response to request for all advice received from MFAT and other sources on climate change policies
Download response [PDF - 477 KB]

4 August 2021: Response to request for submissions withheld from public release
Download response [PDF - 158 KB]

3 August 2021: Response to request for Communications with Allen and Clarke regarding modelling and electric vehicles
Download response [PDF - 6.4 MB]

29 July 2021: Response to request for information on koha
Download response [PDF - 825 KB]

29 July 2021: Response to request for submissions on the Commission's Draft Advice
Download response [PDF - 284 KB]

29 July 2021: Response to request for information on documents received from Signature Consulting related to Te Ao Maori, the Treaty of Waitangi, Tikanga Maori, or other Maori-related topics
Download response [PDF - 980 KB]

27 July 2021: Response to request for bills and statements from the contractor Liquid IT
Download response [PDF - 181 KB]
Documents - part one [PDF - 8.2 MB]
Documents - part two [PDF - 8 MB]

23 July 2021: Response to request for information on bills and statements from consultants
Download response [PDF - 7.6 MB]

9 July 2021: Response to request for information on summaries or reports on submissions provided to Commissioners
Download response [PDF - 6.8 MB]

7 July 2021: Response to request for information on use of term fossil gas rather than natural gas
Download response [PDF - 324 KB]

2 July 2021: Response to request for information regarding OIA request in email 
Download response [PDF - 133 KB]

18 June 2021: Response to request for information on report on forecast wholesale electricity prices
Download response [PDF - 377 KB]

18 June 2021: Response to request for information on submissions received on our draft advice
Download response [PDF - 295 KB]

3 June 2021: Response to request for information on Commission flights between 7 May 2020 and 7 May 2021
Download response [PDF - 2 MB]

3 June 2021: Response to request for information on Commission flights between 6 May 2020 and 6 May 2021
Download response [PDF - 1.2 MB]

2 June 2021: Response to request for information on total emissions in budgets and in other's proposal
Download response [PDF - 465 KB]

2 June 2021: Response to request for information on the causes of climate change
Download response [PDF - 449 KB]

30 April 2021: Response to a request for submission question response statistics
Download response [PDF - 1 MB]

21 April 2021: Response to a request for copies of financial and economic modelling and correspondence with others asking for similar material
Download response [PDF - 3.8 MB]

21 April 2021: Response to a request for information on how the Commission upholds Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Download response [PDF - 4.5 MB]

14 April 2021: Response to a request for communications between the Commission and the Minister in relation methane, agriculture and terms of reference
Download response part 1 [PDF - 2.2 MB]
Download response part 2 [PDF - 4 MB]
Download response part 3 [PDF - 4.5 MB]
Download response part 4 [PDF - 3.5 MB]

24 March 2021: Response to request for information on marginal abatement costs of EVs
Download response [PDF - 213 KB]

23 March 2021: Response to request for information on climate science and Paris accord
Download response [PDF - 485 KB]

23 March 2021: Response to request for communications plans, documents and stakeholder briefings on the draft advice
Download response [PDF - 6.1 MB]

23 March 2021: Response to request for internal communications and advice relating to media an release planning 
Download response [PDF - 2.50 MB]

23 March 2021: Response to request for advice, documents or correspondence discussing media strategy 
Download response [PDF - 2.72 MB]

23 March 2021: Response to request for communications plans and documents on stakeholder briefings 
Download response - [PDF - 4.50 MB]

23 March 2021: Response to request for information on journalists who received an embargoed copy of the Commission's advice 
Download response [PDF - 340 KB]

23 March 2021: Response to request for correspondence and advice about a commissioned report 
Download response part 1 [PDF - 3.80 MB]
Download response part 2 [PDF - 3.96 MB]
Download response part 3 [PDF - 3.36 MB]
Download response part 4 [PDF - 3.65 MB]
Download response part 5 [PDF - 3.97 MB]
Download response part 6 [PDF - 2.06 MB]

22 March 2021: Response to request for clarification of previously release financial transactions advice 
Download response 
[PDF - 227 KB]

15 March 2021: The Commission’s role in relation to He Waka Eke Noa  
Download response [PDF - 939 KB]

10 March 2021: Response to a request for letter that request extension to consultation and list of OIAs received
Download response [PDF - 866 KB]

10 March 2021: A list of models and other information on modelling  
Download response (PDF 1MB) [PDF - 1 MB]

5 M
arch 2021:  Request for information on the Commission's modelling and draft advice around electricity
Download response [PDF - 667 KB]
Download attachment 2 - response to biomass question [XLS - 132KB]

5 March 2021: copy of the ENZ model
Download response [PDF - 248 KB]

2 March 2021: Correspondence relating to research led by Dr Bradley Case about sequestration potential of native woody vegetation for Beef + Lamb New Zealand. 
Download response [PDF - 651 KB]

1 March 2021: Release of the Commission’s draft advice to media  
Download response [PDF - 188 KB]

18 February 2021: Terms of Reference for peer review of the science of the Commission’s pathways to 1.5 degrees  
Download response [PDF - 3.7 MB]

12 February 2021: Information on the Commission’s financial control systems  
Download response [PDF - 654 KB]

12 February 2021: Commission’s financial information for 1 January 2020 through to 31 December 2020
Download response [PDF - 396 KB]
Download attachment - transaction list 1 Jan - 30 June 2020 [XLS - 255 KB]
Download attachment - transaction list 1 July - 31 December 2020 [XLS - 296 KB]
Download attachment - payroll transaction data [XLS - 147 KB]

29 January 2021: Information on policy options under which Government would allocate greenhouse gas emission permits to individual persons or households 
Download response [PDF - 156 KB]

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OIA requests and responses: 2020

4 December 2020: Estimate cost of global warming as a percentage of GDP  
Download response [PDF - 457 KB]

5 October 2020: Palaeoclimatology or palaeontology expertise within the Commission  
Download response [PDF - 486 KB]

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