FAQs: The context for Aotearoa New Zealand
To achieve Aotearoa New Zealand’s climate targets, we need to understand where our emissions come from, our commitments, and our role in global climate action.
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This page provides background information about climate change and climate action in Aotearoa New Zealand.
To achieve Aotearoa New Zealand’s climate targets, we need to understand where our emissions come from, our commitments, and our role in global climate action. This page provides information about the sources of Aotearoa New Zealand's emissions, its approach to reducing emissions, its national and international commitments, and its role in global climate action.
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What are Aotearoa New Zealand's emissions? Where do they come from?
What domestic emissions reduction target has Aotearoa New Zealand set?
What is Aotearoa New Zealand’s system for reducing its domestic emissions?
What international targets has Aotearoa New Zealand committed to?
What does ‘accounting’ for emissions removals mean and how do you do it?
How does climate action today affect Aotearoa New Zealand's future?
What climate change action is happening internationally and how does Aotearoa New Zealand fit in?
What are Aotearoa New Zealand's emissions? Where do they come from?
The Ministry for the Environment publishes the New Zealand Greenhouse Gas Inventory annually, which outlines all human-induced greenhouse gas emissions in Aotearoa New Zealand. This interactive emissions tracker lets you explore data in the inventory: New Zealand's Interactive Emissions Tracker | Ministry for the Environment
What domestic emissions reduction target has Aotearoa New Zealand set?
The Climate Change Response Act sets out Aotearoa New Zealand's agreed greenhouse gas target, which was set to align with other countries efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.
Aotearoa New Zealand has a ‘split gas’ target for domestic emissions, which considers biogenic methane separately from all other greenhouse gases. This reflects the different impact that methane has compared with other greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide.
Find out more about the 2050 emissions reduction target.
What is Aotearoa New Zealand’s system for reducing its domestic emissions?
Aotearoa New Zealand's system for reducing domestic emissions has four parts:
The 2050 target is the country's long-term goal, set by legislation and reviewed every five years. The target is:
- A stepped reduction in biogenic methane.
- All other gases net zero by 2050.
Emissions budgets are shorter-term goals to guide nearer term action, set by the government of the day. A budget sets the maximum emissions permitted in a 5-year period. There are always three budgets in place.
Emissions reduction plans are sector and cross-sector strategies set by the government of the day to achieve emissions budgets, and to support people and communities.
Policies are used to deliver the emissions reduction plans set by the government of the day.
The Climate Change Commission’s work includes providing the government of the day with independent, expert advice on the 2050 target, emissions budgets and emissions reduction plans.
We also monitor and review the Government’s progress towards its emissions reduction goals.

What international targets has Aotearoa New Zealand committed to?
Aotearoa New Zealand signed up to the Paris Agreement in 2016. The purpose of the Paris Agreement is to keep the global average temperature increase to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels, while pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C.
Under the Paris Agreement, every country needs to set a nationally determined contribution (NDC). An NDC sets out what each country will do to cut emissions and adapt to climate impacts. Each country is required to set successive, and progressively more ambitious, NDCs.
The NDC is different to the domestic emissions budgets set under the Climate Change Response Act. It can be achieved through the actions we take to reduce domestic emissions here in Aotearoa New Zealand, and also by paying for emissions reductions overseas – for example through funding clean energy projects in other countries.
Aotearoa New Zealand submitted its first NDC (for the period 2021–2030) when it signed up to the Paris Agreement in 2016. This committed Aotearoa New Zealand to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 30% below 2005 levels by 2030. In October 2021, Aotearoa New Zealand updated this NDC to a target of a 50% reduction of net emissions below gross 2005 level by the year 2030.
In October 2024, the Commission delivered a report to the Minister of Climate Change on the levels of domestic emissions reduction that Aotearoa New Zealand could feasibly achieve as part of its second NDC (NDC2). The Government's decision on NDC2 is due in February 2025.
Find out more about our advice to the Government on NDCs.
What does ‘accounting’ for emissions removals mean and how do you do it?
All countries – including Aotearoa New Zealand – count the carbon removed by trees and use this to help balance the impact of greenhouse gas emissions.
To make sure the amount of emissions removed is fairly counted, there are internationally agreed rules and methods to ensure we are reporting credible and comparable data. These methods are provided by international climate change organisations like the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
How does climate action today affect Aotearoa New Zealand's future?
Our actions here in Aotearoa New Zealand matter. The climate is already changing, and communities across the country are feeling the impacts.
In every role we hold in our lives – from business to community to home – we must all think about how every choice we make increases or decreases greenhouse gas emissions.
Over the next few years, the choices we make as individuals and as a country will determine how much impact climate change has on our future, and our descendants’. If current greenhouse gas emissions do not decline rapidly, we will be left with fewer choices for how we can act and react.
Aotearoa New Zealand has a global role as a food producer. What are the consequences of reducing our emissions in this area?
There is good reason to believe that production in Aotearoa New Zealand will be competitive in a low-emissions future where meat and dairy products are still consumed.
Our analysis shows that the food and fibre sector can meet our recommended emissions budgets without significantly reducing production. To achieve this many of the farm businesses across the country will need to change on-farm management practices to improve efficiency and some pastoral land will need to switch to forestry and horticulture and take up new technology as it becomes available.
Some farmers are already making these changes, and many more are working towards them.
Delaying action could affect the country’s trading position and businesses could lose market access as global markets are increasingly seeking low-emissions goods.
What climate change action is happening internationally and how does Aotearoa New Zealand fit in?
Limiting global warming requires a global effort. Each country needs to play its part by meeting its international climate change commitments to reduce emissions. Global ambition is increasing with many of the world’s largest emitters committing to strengthened climate targets.
The Paris Agreement includes a collective goal to hold the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels, and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.
Each country is required to set successive, and progressively more ambitious, nationally determined contributions (NDCs) which outline their contribution to the global effort to limit the impacts of climate change.
The domestic emissions reduction targets for Aotearoa New Zealand are set at a level the Government has judged to be in line with contributing to global efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C. This is a requirement under the Climate Change Response Act (the Act).
While Aotearoa New Zealand has 0.06% of the world’s population, it emits 0.17% of all global emissions. That’s three times our share of the population. If everyone in the world contributed the same level of warming per capita as Aotearoa New Zealand, total warming would peak at around 5°C and decline to around 4.3°C by the year 2100.
If you group the countries that individually produce less than 1% of global emissions together, they collectively contribute around a third of global emissions. Aotearoa New Zealand can be a role model by taking action that reassures others that they too, can take action.
What happens after 2050?
The emissions target is to 2050 and beyond. This means that after 2050, Aotearoa New Zealand needs to maintain net zero greenhouse gas emissions on an ongoing basis. The actions that we take now affect what we will need to do in the future.
For example, if rather than reducing gross emissions, trees are planted to absorb and store carbon dioxide, those trees will need to be maintained and re-planted if they are cut down (or lost to fire, flood or pests). Using trees rather than reducing emissions would also mean that more area would need to be planted with trees each and every year after 2050 to maintain net zero greenhouse gas emissions.
These sorts of considerations mean it is important that the actions taken now set the country up to meet and maintain the 2050 target in a way that create the best outcomes for current and future generations.
What other agencies are working on climate change?
Many organisations and communities are working to reduce greenhouse gases and/or adapt to the effects of climate change in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Some of the state sector organisations working on climate change are:
- Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA)
- Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research
- Ministry for the Environment
- Ministry of Primary Industries
- National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA)
- Royal Society Te Apārangi
- Stats NZ
- New Zealand Climate Change Research Institute at Te Herenga Waka –Victoria University of Wellington
- Local Government New Zealand
- Motu Research
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Related information
- FAQ: The 2050 emissions reduction target
- FAQ: What are emissions budgets?
- FAQ: The role of methane
- New Zealand's Greenhouse Gas Inventory, 1990–2022 snapshot | Ministry for the Environment
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)