Video series: The Big Decisions

The five big decisions that Aotearoa will have to make when taking action against climate change

About this video series

Climate change and the way we respond to it are complex challenges. In this video series, Climate Change Commission chair Rod Carr talks through some of the big decisions that Aotearoa will have to make when taking action against climate change, and how the Commission approached these issues in Ināia tonu nei, our first advice to government.

You can watch this series of videos below or on our YouTube channel.

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The Big Decisions #1

How fast can we transition to a low-emissions society? Do we move fast now – or wait and move faster, later? Our Chair Rod Carr explains how we approached this decision in our advice to government in 2021.


The Big Decisions #2

Transitioning to a low-emissions future will come at a cost. How should Aotearoa spread the burden?


The Big Decisions #3

How much can we rely on the Emissions Trading Scheme? Does Aotearoa need additional incentives or penalties for carbon use? We need to decide the best path to a low-emissions future. Which will it be?


The Big Decisions #4

What part should carbon removal play in our path to net zero? Planting trees is one way, but are there others?


The Big Decisions #4

Aotearoa's contribution to global climate change efforts can be met by domestic action and offshore mitigation. But how much should we rely on each of these?