Discussion document: 2024 Review of Aotearoa New Zealand's 2050 emissions reduction target

About this page

First published 8 April 2024
Last updated 11 June 2024

This web page provides the text of our Discussion document: Review of Aotearoa New Zealand's 2050 emissions reduction target (released 8 April 2024).

Links to a technical annex and supporting material are available in the final section of this web page.

This discussion document is also available as a downloadable file:
Discussion document: Review of the 2050 target [PDF - 7.01 MB]

This is one of three closely related projects, alongside:

Consultation on this work took place between 8 April and 31 May 2024. Our final advice will be delivered to the Minister for Climate Change and published before 31 December 2024.


Updates have been made to this document to correct an error in the previous version:

  • In Chapter 3, the section 'Aotearoa New Zealand’s obligations under relevant international agreements' (p. 64) refers to a Russell McVeagh report on international law, and previously stated that it was published on our website. This was not correct. We have not proactively published this report.

For more information, please contact haveyoursay@climatecommission.govt.nz 

Accessibility note

This document includes images and tables that are not accessible for people using assistive technologies such as screen readers. If you would like to access information in this document in a different format, please email us at hello@climatecommission.govt.nz.