Monitoring report: Emissions reduction (July 2024)

Assessing progress towards meeting Aotearoa New Zealand’s emissions budgets and the 2050 target

This report looks at how well current emissions reductions policies and plans (up until April 2024) set the country up to meet its climate goals. This is the first monitoring report the Commission has produced, and reports will now be delivered to the Minister of Climate Change annually.

This report is required under sections 5J, 5ZJ and 5ZK of the Climate Change Response Act 2002.

Download full report:
Monitoring Report: Emissions Reduction (July 2024) [PDF – 12.7 MB]

Read a summary as a web page:
At a glance: Monitoring emissions reduction

Title: Monitoring report: Emissions reduction – Assessing progress towards meeting Aotearoa New Zealand’s emissions budgets and the 2050 target

Release date: July 2024

ISSN (Print): 3021-2650

ISSN (Online): 3021-2669

Supporting documents

Report figures and data

This spreadsheet contains data used to produce figures in our 2024 monitoring report assessing progress towards meeting emissions budgets and the 2050 target.

Download: ERM 2024 Figures and Data [.XLSX – 5.8 MB]

Stats NZ Quarterly greenhouse gas emissions by sector: December 2023 quarter

This spreadsheet contains quarterly emissions estimates by sector and greenhouse gas up to the December 2023 quarter. We used these data to produce provisional gross emissions estimates for the 2023 calendar year in our report.

These data are obtained from a customised data request to Stats NZ by the Climate Change Chief Executives Board, shared with the Commission. The spreadsheet is licensed by Stats NZ for re-use under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.

Note that:

  • These data differ from the Quarterly greenhouse gas emissions (industry and household) series that Stats NZ publishes on its website, which apply a different accounting methodology. Further technical information is provided in the spreadsheet.
  • These data are based on the methodology from the 2023 edition of New Zealand's Greenhouse Gas Inventory. This includes the use of 100-year time horizon global warming potential (GWP100) values from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report (AR4). In using the data in our report, we have converted the data to use the GWP100 values from the IPCC's Fifth Assessment Report (AR5). We have also made adjustments to account for methodological changes in the 2024 edition of the GHG Inventory (for the agriculture and waste sectors).
  • The emissions estimates use collected quarterly data for energy-related emissions, along with government projections for other sources and sectors.

Download: Quarterly greenhouse gas emissions by sector December 2023 [.XLSX – 128 KB]